Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Proposal: Five years in the making

My boyfriend and I had been dating for about 5 years; we met in college and happily stayed together through him traveling 3 hours away to attend a live-in firefighting academy, me going to grad school 2 hours away, and are currently living about 2 hours apart. In that time we had begun to seriously plan our future. He had plans for us to move in together, to merge finances, a Fall 2011 wedding, and even plans to adopt the Greyhound I'd been wanting for as long as I could remember. The only problem was that all of these plans hinged on us getting engaged! I knew that as of a few months ago he had the family diamonds we planned to use for the ring, and around the same time he had me call a particular jewelry store in my hometown to speak with someone directly about the setting. Still, the time for me to turn in my own lease for another year was rapidly approaching, and there was no ring! I went home to Maine for a week or so at the end of June for a family event, and I had really been hoping I would be able to celebrate my engagement with my family. Unbeknown to me, during my vacation he had traveled from upstate New York to Maine and back, all in a day, to collect the ring! A week later he asked me to visit him (very unlike him - he usually says I am always welcome and he would always love to see me!) so we could spend the 4th of July (my favorite holiday!) together. We went for a walk over the water early in the day, and halfway over a beautiful bridge he came up behind me put his arms around me and had in his hand the ring of my dreams!  
--Browsing Greyhounds, New York

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