Monday, August 2, 2010

Proposal: A Flipbook Story

I am so excited to share this engagement story, even though it is already posted online, for a few reasons:

1.) It is absolutely unique.  
2.) I am a nerd at heart, well even a little bit on the surface too, and so I appreciate the nerdiness of this story and the technology that made it happen.
3.) As a reader, you can really get to know this couple and this story from a her other blog posts, namely: Ok, Maybe You CAN Love a Fat Girl (You can also read Kepa's account of their romance here)

I have pulled this story directly form Mary's blog (with her permission of course!).  Kepa's account is on his blog.  Aside from her enviable romance story, Mary blogs about "happy and healthy living."  Check it out.  (Oh, and by the way, a picture of the ring is here, in her initial announcement about her engagement!)

I knew it was coming eventually because it’s hard to be completely smitten with someone and not discuss the future together. I am moving to New Zealand in August and that has been the plan for quite a while. My only uncertainty was when exactly Kepa would ask the question and how. He had taken my mom to coffee without me, so I figured he had asked her permission then, because we are all traditional like that here, but I didn’t know for sure. He likes to keep things secret and surprise me so I really had no idea. I guessed one of his plans, but since our road trip plans changed it completely threw me off the scent. I had no clue.
Yesterday before we went to lunch while I was getting ready, Kepa asked me to stay in the bathroom. He had tried to get someone else to get me out of the house but everyone was at work or busy. So he just asked me to stay in there… or go outside. Since it’s hot I chose the bathroom/bedroom option. I saw him putting post it notes all over the house but didn’t think much of it because he has done that before for me. (We like using post its.) I figured it was just something fun to do to make up for the house being so boring.
When he finally said he was ready for lunch we walked outside. I asked if it was okay to leave the notes around and if I should just ignore them being there. And then after a few steps toward my car, he said I could go back inside. HA! Okay!
So I went inside and started at the beginning, walking around the house collected the post it notes that all said sweet things (they are in the video below if you want to see what they say). My youngest brother actually interrupted in the middle, which was funny. At the end of the notes they told me that Kepa made something for me and I needed to go watch it.
He made me a flipbook video! It was the cutest thing ever and he worked for so long on it. I absolutely freaking loved it. It’s got my favorite song, our story condensed, and lots of pictures from when we were together in New Zealand. He made it a while ago and it’s been on YouTube secretly, because he showed it to some of my best friends to ask if it was okay.
If you want to watch the flipbook video:

Obviously the end of the flipbook video is the proposal. I saw that then looked at Kepa and he was on one knee. AHHHH! Then he said the most awesome, perfect for me, amazing speech ever.

From the day I first saw you, I was smitten.
Every day since then, my feelings have only grown deeper.
I love you, Mary.
I love you for everything you are.
You are everything flowers and hearts and sunshine and butterflies and rainbows.
All the magic and wonder in my world.
You know why I hold on to you so tight?
Because life is a maze full of twists and turns and I want to get lost inside with you.
Because when I’m with you the world stops turning and gravity disappears and it’s all I can do to stop floating away.
I want to be the one you take great leaps with and face lightning storms with,
the one who holds you up above the waves and laughs with you all the while being drowned,
the one you split your desserts with,
the one who’ll sit in the seat facing the wall so you can have your back to it,
the one who will push you around in shopping carts,
and the one who knows just how important it is to never put pickles in anything.
You would make me the luckiest man in the world if you would say yes to this next questions….
Will you marry me?
Yes he really talks like that. And it’s amazing. And I cried.
It really was amazingly sweet, romantic, perfect-for-me proposal. Kepa knows me so well and it’s obvious from how much thought and work he put into this to make it special. I am in fact the luckiest girl ever.
We had the best day afterwards as well, telling everyone we loved and also going to all my favorite eats in Memphis. It was the best day ever.
Mary + Kepa, Audobon Park
I’m so happy with my new fiance! Fiance!
If you would like to watch the entire engagement video, it’s below. Kepa recorded everything (I had no idea) so you can see the whole event from the post it notes to me saying yes and all.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! We're all so happy for you, Mary!
